یاران صاحب زمان
یاسر بازدید : 36 سه شنبه 06 مرداد 1394 نظرات (0)

Honor Hazrat Abolfazl Abbas (PBUH) [83]

But the zeal Abaalfzl PBUH so much that he could not tolerate adversity, when traveling to the command of Imam Hussein, Imam careful mount and dismount the women, the environment Abbas (PBUH) was engaged in this task, Who would have dared go near Abaalfzl peace be upon him, and he was to everyone behind the two hundred and fifty two thousand and five hundred more have been less, said handle, a coherent and strong in the pedal Imam Abu Abdullah AS was committed to not allowing anyone with the killing and capture of knowledge, like those in the arms of success and a good spot for years tried to achieve it, went and Abbas PBUH commander and commander and Minister for Hussein has been given all the orders by him, all his commands were executed by Abaalfzl (pbuh), son of the Prophet PBUH and prophet of the apocalypse and Ali and Fatima, the Prophet PBUH love him, and All Muslims were obliged to love and friendship, now with a large caravan from Mecca set off for Iraq, it must be said, in fact, Abbas peace be upon him as Ali Hussein PBUH and prophet to prophet, and no power Apart from Abbas peace be upon him, the spirit of courage and strength and courage and zeal management and he did not handle the caravan and its destiny, with the zeal of Sharia into the water and did not return until Abbas's peace be upon him, Umayyad army dared attention

The tents did not, so Abbas PBUH create fear in the enemy army had always recommend to each of the wrath of Abbas PBUH said, was that after the death of Abbas PBUH fear from the hearts of the Arabs was removed the atrocities committed were bold and attacked Khayyam, until that day had eternal memorial to his eternal shame and curses and invective doors for good on their own. (38)

Among Imams PBUH and how prophecy and provincial leaders, no one to appreciate the Prophet Abi Abdullah, peace be upon him (PBUH) Hazrat Abolfazl first and then the world is not wealth, it is known that Imam Ali ibn Musa Lyhmaalslam has a lot of wealth but the idea of ​​people unaware of the device is impressive Hussein, Imam Reza (PBUH) should be considered in the third degree, in all of Earth's land where there is human habitation, and among them Shia Muslims There, a piece of land to Imam Hussein (PBUH) or Hazrat Qamar Bani Hashim offer dedicated and dedicate them in the name of Imam Hussein and Imam Abbas dedicated to reading, so that the benefits of account The numbers are out, one of the European orientalists estimates that over two million pounds per year spending English

Mourning Hussein is, apart from endowment income, and inform him of most of Africa and the Indian subcontinent, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries in Asia did not calculate and pay that way Abolfazl pbuh For Saqakhaneh made, aqueducts and refrigerators as well as the waters in force and is dedicated to the Imam Abbas, in any transition and on the streets, especially among Shiites Saqakhaneh dedicated to Abbas peace be upon him, for he prepared and given how much GoogleThis way of paying their property, whether it implies the absolute truth Abbas (PBUH) and whether these wage jihad for God in the hearts of the infidels and hypocrites that after many years of domination and submissive and humble themselves before they made? ( 39) There is a story about the character of this great quote:

Kahn al-Imam al-Fursan polo Vsyma Jmyla Yrkb Almthm Vrjlah Ykhtan earth crushed Vyqal Qamar Bani Hashem, (40) Hazrat Abbas (AS) and icons as beautiful and tall Rashidi that when mounted on big horses, his feet on the ground

Was pulled and he Qamar Bani Hashem said.
38. Life of Hazrat Qamar Bani Hashem persion AS, Page 50.39. Ibid 150.40. Abbas ibn Ali Lyhmaalslam: Page 76.

یاسر بازدید : 59 پنجشنبه 01 مرداد 1394 نظرات (0)

Great physicist Albert Einstein World said: ((Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind)) (Philip Frank, Einstein's biography translation Hassan Saffar Page 507 and 508, quoting from the book of convergence of religion and science at Allameh Jafari Page 194)

Leo Tolstoy (10) (1828-1910M.) Famous Russian writer, of those who rejected the book interesting people who monarchist and sensuality attributed to the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad [peace be upon him], and also the written words of wisdom He also collected in a special treatise was translated into Russian as "words of Mohammed" is published. He wrote:
"It is no doubt and no doubt that the Prophet [peace be upon him] of the world's great reformer, the reformer is a great service to human society, and this pride is enough for him that a nation's bloody and wild fork demons abhorrent habits and progress to deliver open to them, and while every normal man could do such a great Aghdam and take the consequences. So the Prophet [peace be upon him] worthy of all respect and honor. Islamic law because it agreed with wisdom, in the future will be universal. "

George Bernard Shaw (21) (1856-1905M.) Irish dramaturge of the most famous figures in contemporary literature and peer Shakespeare, playwright, and professor wit and humor in the English language, writes: "In my opinion, if a man like Muhammad [peace be upon him be upon him] rule over the whole world remember, the world and the world will prosper under the rule of Islam and the Islam world will lead to welfare and problems of life, to the point that the whole world will cast light happiness Homay ".

Edward Gibbon (24) (1731-1794M.) Dated famous English book "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ', Vol. V, p. 335, published in London, in the year 39-1838M., About the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him such writes, "The person of Muhammad [PBUH & HP] in terms of formal beauty, his privileges, the privileges, except for those who lack, not poor before the start of the speech and speak Angasht.av, What the listener a person or a group, they were all fascinated by the grace and love and attention he was attracting to his side and for a decent, solemn and magnificent landscape, piercing eyes, sweet smile, attractive, beard hairy, Qyafhay which represents all emotions Comments and delicacies that he was mentally and finally colloquially uses Hlhlh honoring all forced to raise voice against him.
In the social affairs and labor of life, just all the traditions of his country had complied. His humility and respect for the rich and the poor and the rich and the poor, all were the same. The speech clearly showed, it Akhtfayy not let his ultimate purposes. Etiquette that the Friends of friendship and history showed, those that the public, in terms of human rights were respected.
Strong and full range of memory and intelligence and social perception was easy. Imagine the force of a great, clear judgment and swift and decisive. Together with the power of thought and the power of action. (25) Although his plan was developed gradually, with success, however, has revealed his divine mission first thought was sumptuous authentic genius. "

Professor Will Durant, American historian, writes:
"If you compare the effect on the people of this great man, I should say that the Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] of the elders of human history. He sought knowledge and morality of dropping the heat and dryness of the desert people who had fallen to the dark savagery, its peak. In this context succeeded that success was all the righteous of the world. But he can no longer find that all your wishes will be done in the way of religion, because religion believed.

Dr. Gustav (17) (1841-1931M) famous French writer wrote about the personality of the Prophet Muhammad: "If we want to greatness and importance of the great men of the world to compare their work, Hrayynh must be said that the Prophet [peace be upon him In the history of men, a great statesman last name.
The old historians by religious fanaticism, he did not care to work, but in the present day historians Christians [Christians] were willing to speak on the subject of the judgment "to be sure to check this thread :(
Book from non-Muslim scholars about the Prophet and the Ahlul Bayt

یاسر بازدید : 45 پنجشنبه 01 مرداد 1394 نظرات (0)

Shiism than other religions lead to the "right" to it, and the religion of truth in every age is only one religion. God in every moment and every religion has a law other than that or of the falsehood and lies or obsolete and extinct.

Heavenly religions and religious diversity which has been revealed to humanity, a plurality of longitudinal not cross, meaning that the new religion and the law abrogating the former Junior Shzay supplement consumption dropped and recognize previous law falls and is replaced by the new religion, and on all that is necessary to follow the new religion and believe in it. That is why the scriptures and religious texts, from those who do not believe in the new religion, as "infidels" to be remembered.

Islam is the last and most complete religion for mankind and God sent not accept Islam, but religious. "The al-Din al-Islam by God" (1) No doubt religion with Allah is Islam. "And I'm Yqbl Phelan Dina Ybtgh non-Islam"; (2) Everyone take a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him.

Unfortunately, Muslim religions as well as relatives and past owners were dispersed to various religions and certainly not all of them will be right at the same time, the Prophet said: "The nation next Stfrq Ali Salas and Sabin sect, sect minus Najyh, and Asntan and Sbvn Fi fire "My followers will be divided after my seventy-three sects, only one survived, and seventy-two sects will be other people of the fire. (3) religion and sect tricks Najia among Shiite Islamic sects Twelver Shi'ism is the true Islam and true. The Holy Prophet said: "O our people's Eni Fykm leave it to Len Akhztm Tzlva, the Book of Allah and my progeny from bit", people! I put to you that if they get something to charge you will never go astray, the Book of Allah and my progeny, that is my household. (4)

Abuzar Ghaffari trustworthy companion and Galilee Qadr Prophet (pbuh) said: "I heard the Prophet (PBUH) transmission media: Ella bit like the people of Noah Fi Fykm like Safeenatun Qvmh, I Rkbha Neji and I will be pleased Abuse sunk," ;. Know I of the Prophet heard that said, like my family among you, like Noah's ark to Noah's people, whoever sits in the ship to be saved and that the violation be drowned. (5)

Shia basis, monotheism and justice, prophecy and the imamate and the Resurrection, and Shiites believe that Imam twelve Imams (AS) as the successor to the Prophet (PBUH) is that their first Imam Ali (as) and the end of the Mahdi ( aj). In the hadiths of the Prophet on the number and even the names of the twelve Imams (AS) has said. Once Abdullah bin Mas'ud was sitting in the company of the Arabic desert and asked them which one you're Abdullah bin Mas'ud? Abdullah said to me. Arab said, pushing Hdskm low Ykvn Nbykm later I Alkhlfa’? A: blessing, twelve, number Israel Nqba’. Is your Prophet, the number of successors after he said to you? - Yes, twelve, the number of Naguib Israel. (6)

We legitimacy because Shiism is the Qur'an and Sunnah, Allah has ordered us to God and the Prophet and former Governors said that the Prophet (pbuh) and the imams are not followed. In many verses of the Quran has been referred to the issue of leadership and authority. Verses such as: "and Anzr Shyrtk Alaqrbyn", "enema Vlykm God and the Messenger and Almvmnvn Alzyn Yqymvn prayer and Yvtvn Alzkvh and Rakvn", "O prophet Blgh we Alick Anzal I Rbk and the actual trick Fma Blght Rsalth", "Youm Dynkm and blessing be upon you to fast Akmlt Atmmt and Rzyt you to fast al-Dina "," enema Yryd God Lyzhb NKM Alrjs Ahl al-Bayt ", and so on. (7)

It was a brief reason and legitimacy of Shiite supremacy over other religions in the eyes of the religious and citing verses and traditions. Of course the Muslim perspective on the issue of Shia and non-Shia doctrine and the comparison between the action and ruled Shiite supremacy.

Good luck ...

Footnote______________________________________ _________________
1. Imran, 19.
2. Imran, 85.
3. Alabanh Kubra, Ibn Bth, vol. 1, p. 3; virtues Sheikh Saduq, p. 585.
4. Knzalmal, vol. 1, p. 44, the Alatsam Balktab and Sunnah.
5. Almstdrk Ali Alshyhyn, vol. 3, p. 151.
6. virtues, p. 467.
7. Quest Web Islam, Shiite advantages.

یاسر بازدید : 40 پنجشنبه 01 مرداد 1394 نظرات (0)

The difference Twelver Shiite (Shia) sect of Shiite other successor and Imam Ali (AS) and Imam Imam 4 (Zaidi) or 7 Imam (Ismaili), and believe in the Shiite 12 Imams, in addition to Belief in Imamate and immediate successors Ali (AS) led 11 others of his children and Fatima Zahra (Lyhmaalslam) based on the clear wording of the prophetic tradition and Vlvy believe in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Imams 12's and infallibility and Science divine and divine install believe.

Thus, the term belonging to the Shiite Twelver Shia Islam is the norm for society and science is for them. The purpose of the Shia Imami Twelver is absolutely the same and therefore, other groups such as the Zaydi, Kaysanites Shia, Ismaili, although one of the Imamate of Imam Ali and some other imams of the Shiite faith but can not literally are.

یاسر بازدید : 33 پنجشنبه 01 مرداد 1394 نظرات (0)

The word "Shia" literally means "follower" and "helper", as the literal word of Shiite Holy Quran in four states, including: "And I Shyth La Abraham" (83 Safat), "This I Shyth and however I Dvh "(15 Alqss). And also means "Minhaj and have the same religion" is the term among Muslims, a special attachment to the followers of Ali (AS) has found. The followers of the Prophet as well as the friendly and popular in many meanings of Imam Ali (AS), or one that Imam Ali (AS) from the top Osman knows, or one that Imam Ali (AS) and the caliph Uthman first and all the companions knows better, who is also the immediate succession of Imam Ali (AS) says, is used.

Muslim scholars of the Shia said definitions including:

- Martyr seconds Allmh the book says Shi is one of Ali (AS) and follow after him, and led him to give precedence. Although the other leaders did not believe. And includes Shiite, Zaidi, Ismailia (who are not atheist) and so on.

- Sheikh agreement Almvsvh says in the book: one is Shia of Ali (AS) will follow him the rest of the Companions of the Messenger of God (pbuh) first love and believe that Ali is the Imam of the has been appointed Messenger of Allah or God's will. As followers of Imams duodenum (the letter), the choice explicit believe.

However, the best definition for this term is to say: "Who is the Shia succession of Imam Ali (AS) of the fixed installation and as Imam Ali (AS) deserves person to succeed the Prophet (pbuh) knows" . The general concept is that the accepted definition of the term Shiite sects and Shiite groups, including Zaidi, Kaysanites Shia, Ismaili, etc. are included.

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